#134 — Heart Curve
In this multi-part challenge, I use a parametric equation (from Wolfram Mathworld) to draw a heart curve in Processing (Java).
Webpage with parametric equations for different heart curves.
Saskia Freeke tumblr site with daily art.
Bees & Bombs tumblr site.
Golan Levin's Github repository with templates for generating animated seamless loops in Processing, p5.js, and Processing.py.
Ezgif.com is a simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing.
This video looks at the trigonometric functions—sine, cosine, tangent.
In this video, I implement the Discrete Fourier Transform algorithm in JavaScript and render a drawing using epicycles derived from the transform.
Live Stream with Mathematical Hearts + GIF Loops
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund